Monday, 19 September 2016


It is amazing how things can come a full circle. I had initially intended on using Bonfyre as the app for the 2015 mobile learning project. However, when full time students appeared less enthusiastic in getting involved in chat forums to get support for accounting problems. So why mention Bonfyre now? Having a conversation around running a distance learning program without 'who's on line' in webcourses or PRONTO, I was reminded that Bonfyre could provide a mechanism to create a chat forum. Weighing it up, I saw the benefit that it somewhat separates helps segregate private chats (what's app and viber) from the educational chats. Determined to set up some sort of chat support for students studying abroad I created a Bonfyre for the group on the 13th of September. As of the 19th of September, I have 7 of the 17 students joining. It is early days, the module only officially commences today.

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